Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health
We promote resilience and develop our children’s self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence equipping them with awareness of good mental health and ensuring they are well informed, supported and valued. We provide a weekly ‘Time To’ session which provides a structured opportunity to explore and promote mental wellbeing.
Relationship & Sex Education
We teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and adults. We ensure that our teaching of sex education is age appropriate.
Respect & Diversity
We support children to understand diversity recognising different religions, races, sexes, ideas, and lifestyles; to respect other people's boundaries and beliefs and accept responsibility for their own behaviour and actions.
Moral Values
Positive behaviour is consistently modelled and applauded to reinforce good choices and teach our children to be accountable for their mistakes, supporting them to become good citizens able to protect themselves from potentially negative influences.
We encourage children to appreciate the rule of law and value democracy and individual liberty. Enabling them to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in our country and to appreciate its wealth of traditions, beliefs and cultures.
Ethic of Excellence
We encourage children to take pride in their work, enjoy challenge, value effort and take responsibility for the work they produce. Error is an important aspect of learning and children are encouraged to practice, self-correct and use dedicated time to act upon feedback correct mistakes and make improvements.
Healthy Lives
We promote the wellbeing of our children encouraging them to make healthy lifestyle choices and develop the ability to recognise and manage risk. Across their schooling age-appropriate guidance helps children appreciate the importance of physical activity, diet, financial responsibility, drug and alcohol awareness and e-safety etc.